Mindfulness refresher sessions

Live stream meditation sessions to start and end your week with others. 

Some words of inspiration and reflection followed by a guided meditation to help you dive inward with non-judgmental and compassionate awareness. 

These sessions are open to all: the curious, the experienced and the cynics! 

Feel free to share the information with a partner or friend.

Dates and Time:

The sessions ran until May 15th. If you missed them, what a pity. If you are interested in future online meditation activities, let Kim know by sending her an email at kim@kimbrice.info. 


On a contribution basis: pay what you want or can. 

My banking details are: K.N. Brice  NL58 RABO 0387153365


No need to register. Join in, when you want and on time please (cause we start on time and end on time.) If it’s your first time using zoom, sign-in a bit early so you can get it set up. It’s easy.

The virtual meditation gathering is via Zoom.

If it is your first time using Zoom, you will be asked to download Zoom software. It takes just a minute or so, but please do it in advance of call so you are on time

  1. Choose  ‘join with audio’
  2. Once you have joined the meeting, please put your video on (if you like) and audio on mute (both controls at bottom left of screen)
  3. Put your screen on speaker view (right top of screen)
  4. I am looking forward to it!

 If you are having difficulties with setting up Zoom, take a look at this video:

Any questions? Send Kim an email

    [honeypot honeypot-341]